If you’re a guy like me, there was a phase of your childhood where Matchbox cars and Hotwheels were king. Endless hours of building rails, jumps and even dirt tracks in the yard kept me busy all afternoon. As I grew up, that kind of play faded, but with things like Nintendo, I never really left. I remember a game called RC Pro Am for the original Nintendo – it was my absolute favorite game. It was a “top down” racer where you viewed and controlled the cars from above and it was just out right fun. I never found a game to match that feeling of sliding around curves . . . enter Reckless Racing 2.
I hear that the first version of this game is very solid as well, but haven’t had a chance to look at it. All I can say is I’m totally hooked. This brought back that same game play and only elevated it. Now, I can move in and out of pavement (which is better controlled) to gravel (which has some great drifting) and even add some nice jumps for good measure. The game is excellently designed and the movement is great. Controls were a bit weird at first, but after a few rounds, I got the hang of it.
I never thought I’d be addicted to a kid-like racing game, but I’m totally there.
Highly recommended.