I’m noticing something . . . as I look at cards for my digital cameras, I see a pattern: prices are dropping big time! SD Memory Cards (which Alison uses in her Canon SD300) are usually near the bottom of the barrell on price, but other formats (Compact Flash, Memory Stick, etc.) aren’t too much higher.
It stands to reason that they’d be cheaper since higher capacities are coming out. The best deals I’m seeing are 1GB cards. However, 2 GB cards can be found almost as cheap with rebates (see asterisk in the title of this post . . . play your cards right when dealing with rebates! Guess I’ll post on that later!).
I know I’m a big supporter of Buy.com, but that’s because they almost always have the best prices (and service for that matter). I’ve linked to the site below. Just type in SD Card or Compact Flash, etc. in their search bar and you’ll be taken to a selection of cards. What a great time to get some new memory cards for all those Christmas pictures!
Click here to search Buy.com.
P.S. If you’re looking for a great LCD TV, type in “Norcent 32 inch” above. Great reviews and even better price.